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 Avocados are another fruit that dogs should avoid. While persin is a toxin found in avocados and is dangerous to many animals, dogs are fairly resistant to it. In large quantities, however, persin could have some adverse effects like vomiting and diarrhea. 

Additionally, avocados are high in fat which can be a health concern if a dog ingests too much of it. Depending on the number of avocados your dog has eaten, pancreatitis can occur. 


Whether coming from tea, coffee, or any other caffeinated beverage, dogs ingesting caffeine is a major health concern. Dogs are much more sensitive to caffeine, and even a small amount of it can prove dangerous to dogs. Side effects include elevated heart rate, hyperactivity, and even seizures. If seizures are a result of caffeine ingestion, get your dog to a vet immediately; seizures suggest a high volume of caffeine ingestion which can lead to death.


Dogs do not respond well to alcohol. Similar to caffeine, it doesn’t take much to cause painful side effects. A dog that consumes even a negligible amount of alcohol will not only become intoxicated and lose coordination, but could also slip into a coma and die. This goes for anything that has alcohol in it, not just beverages. Keep mouthwash and hand sanitizer far away from your pup if they seem tempted to try it. Okay bro this are the keywords


Xylitol is a sugar substitute found in chewing gum and candy and it should never be ingested by dogs. It is extremely toxic to dogs and can result in some unpleasant side effects. When xylitol is ingested by a dog, it causes a drop in blood sugar levels – which can ultimately lead to seizures, and even death.

Dogs have a natural curiosity when it comes to human food, and sometimes it’s hard to resist giving them a taste, but it’s important to be wary of what food they get their paws on because they aren’t all safe for dogs to eat. Keep your furry friends safe by avoiding giving them or making accessible foods that are harmful to them. 


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