
Showing posts from June, 2022

golden retriever puppy for sale near me

  Avocados are another fruit that dogs should avoid. While persin is a toxin found in avocados and is dangerous to many animals, dogs are fairly resistant to it. In large quantities, however, persin could have some adverse effects like vomiting and diarrhea.  Additionally, avocados are high in fat which can be a health concern if a dog ingests too much of it. Depending on the number of avocados your dog has eaten, pancreatitis can occur.  Caffeine Whether coming from tea, coffee, or any other caffeinated beverage, dogs ingesting  caffeine  is a major health concern. Dogs are much more sensitive to caffeine, and even a small amount of it can prove dangerous to dogs. Side effects include elevated heart rate, hyperactivity, and even seizures. If seizures are a result of caffeine ingestion, get your dog to a vet immediately; seizures suggest a high volume of caffeine ingestion which can lead to death. Alcohol Dogs do not respond well to alcohol. Similar to caffeine,...